Prior to that was the criminalisation of triple talaq by the enactment of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act in July 2019. The court’s unwillingness to stay this controversial law is inexplicable. It paled China’s soft power because of India’s liberal, democratic and inclusive vision that the founding fathers embedded in the Indian Constitution. The BJP has also lost control over a number of critical states at the heart of India — including Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Maharashtra. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla even wrote to his European counterpart protesting against the move. Lord Buddha and his follower Emperor Ashoka showed the path of a moral and tolerant existence. Bangladesh’s foreign minister has twice postponed visits to India and trustworthy Indian ally Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina sounds worried. It essentially runs three big states, Bihar being an alliance where ally JD(U) faces an internal revolt by its urbane faces. Again, India does not have yet a $12-trillion economy, nor does it hold a permanent seat at the UN Security Council. Snubbing Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, and denying him access to the Prime Minister, perhaps because he owns The Washington Post, is at best churlish and at worst a total misreading of how the American media actually works. Adding to the BJP’s troubles are a flagging economy, rural distress, inflation and unemployment. External affairs minister S. That it was not a “private” tour, as claimed, was apparent even before the trip as its promoters had limited financial and political mith its strength as a producer and inventor of products, not as paragon human rights and tolerance. The Supreme Court’s Ayodhya verdict (in November) took care of the lingering demand for a Ram temple in Ayodhya, but it mercifully did not trigger communal violence. London’s conservative magazine The Economist ran a cover headlined “Intolerant India: How Modi is endangering the world’s biggest democracy”, above a lotus blooming from a barbed wire.The uproar over the CAA conflated with the initial police excesses against the students of Jamia Millia Islamia, that soon spilled over to other campuses in New Delhi and elsewhere.It is natural that India’s friends abroad, who earlier bemoaned India as a socialist under-performer, now worry that an economically rising India is a progressively degrading bastion of freedom of faith and equality. Finally arrived the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, tweaking the 1955 law to permit the adherents of all Indic religions plus Christians to legitimise their stay in India and obtain citizenship, providedthey came from Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh. Thus, the Delhi election has become a do-or-die battle, both to oust an irrepressible Arvind Kejriwal as indeed throw the dice one last time to test the failing formula of communal polarisation.There are two counterpoints. Publicly, the government and its spokesmen maintained that it was an internal matter of India’s, and that no foreign Parliament had any locus standi. The European Parliament generally vocally defends human rights, including beyond the EU’s borders.

Thus, its resolutions can influence the EU’s decision-making. The bullet fired at Shaheen Bagh on Mahatma Gandhi’s martyrdom day dramatically symbolises this paradox. Jaishankar unnecessarily invited the American Democratic Party’s ire by skipping a congressional foreign affairs committee meeting over a member-critic of Indian origin.Against this background has risen overseas a crescendo of media and political criticism of the Prime Minister personally and his politics. It began with the August 5 abrogation of Kashmir’s special status, lockdown of the Valley, security alarm cable with ground wire and the arrest of three former chief ministers. Thus, unlike member states and the European Commission, the EU Parliament is less transactional and more values-driven. One, that leaders like US President Donald Trump ignore the liberal media and demonise it tweet by tweet, and yet thrive. (Photo:AP)The European Parliament’s move to debate and subsequently vote on a resolution, moved by an overwhelming majrly miscalculated the depth of people’s anger, which fuelled the protests. But the clash between sectarian domestic politics and foreign policy, which for the past five years has maintained the fiction of a secular India, is finally manifest. It pointedly excluded Muslim refugees or illegal immigrants from these nations. However, the Narendra Modi government, after its decisive victory in the Lok Sabha elections last year, has single-mindedly pursued its core agenda of reshaping the nation’s polity in line with the long-held views and sectarian biases of the BJP-RSS. Outgoing British high commissioner Sir Dominic Asquith, on the day the UK exited EU, echoed the EU’s concerns over CAA


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Microsoft’s HoloLens is the final product where Windows Mixed reality is heading. AR headsets basically overlay data, 3D objects and video into your line of vision with the help of a display.Technology innovation is scaling things down to a minuscule and a classic example is your smartphone today. Apple cracked it with ARKit, which allows creators (developers) to play around in these mixed spaces and Google standing right beside with its ARCore ecosystem. What makes MR stand out in the crowd is its highly interactive aspect and the realistic rendering of the projection it adds to our real-life environment and interacts with the immersive content. This headset would be able to interact with objects and 3D screens claim the Florida-based startup. The technology is not yet mature enough for public or commercial use, but we do expect 2018 to see major developments on this front.The world is continuously evolving in the digital space and we are at the threshold of an upcoming revolution where we are immersing ourselves in virtual reality to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks. The Gear VR has been around since 2015 and has steadily evolved alongside the company39;s smartphones. Moreover, Microsoft has the MR Capture Studios and MR Academy in San Francisco, inviting creatives to come experiment with AR and VR. The tech has been existing for years but was mainly used in the military to date. If you have ever used a Snapchat39;s filter or played around with Pokemon GO, then you have already experienced Augmented Reality which mixes a virtual character with the physical world. (you may have seen similar UI options with a few launchers on Android)The only difference between the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive with Microsoft39;s MR platform is the built-in room-tracking technology where headset scans the boundaries (walls) and works out your location. Magic Leap39;s mysterious new headset Mixed-Reality Goggles is throttle cable for lawn mower factory expected to be released to developers somewhere in 2018. For now, the first wave of Windows MR headsets bends more towards VR that turns an operating system on a PC into a digital room, filled with web browsers and documents adorning the walls. With technology constantly advancing at an alarmingly high pace, the reality is becoming less real and the Virtual Reality tech is developing at breakneck pace.

Moving ahead, Lenovo is also working on Mirage, a smartphone-powered AR headset that will bring outdoor games into the living room and their first is the 39;Star Wars: Jedi Challenges,39; which uses a lightsaber controller. The companies currently working on VR are also diving into AR, while those focused on AR are learning from the trials of MR. It is an AR headset with its own built-in computer, which means that unlike the Vive or the Oculus, you can now leave your laptop or PC behind experience a completely wire-free AR. However, there is still a thought that lingers among many people, trying to understand this fast-moving digital wonders of the near future: What are these realities? What is the difference between them? How will these platforms serve? and so on.2016 saw the launch of major VR platforms — from high-end, high-quality systems such as Facebook’s Oculus Rift and HTC’s Vive to the cheap and cool smartphone-based solutions such as Samsung’s Gear VR and Google’s Daydream. AR is basically a computer program that overlays virtual graphics on top of your existing, real-life environment, while still continuing to let you see the world around you.(Source: Deccan Chronicle)end-ofTags: augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, samsung, google, microsoft. For example, a fighter jet39;s pilot can see the important readings from his dashboard right on his goggles, while he is still looking ahead into the sky — the system overlays the readings on his transparent glasses.2017 has been a remarkable year that brought non-stop growth and awareness to the world of new Reality — Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR). The battleground will see tech giants race each other to be faster, taller and even more powerful, indirectly enhancing the world around us. MR brings people, places, and objects from your physical and digital worlds together in the same frame. 2017 saw VR headsets get cheaper, and simpler, especially citing examples such as Microsoft39;s new Mixed Reality platform. Speaking of Mixed reality and how it is shaping could be a bit confusing.The technology is not yet mature enough for public or commercial use, but we do expect 2018 to see major developments on this


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None of us want such incidents to happen and in order avoid any mishap due to a fake charger, here are the ways to check if yours is original from brands such as Samsung, Apple, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Huawei and Google.Samsung:Similar to Apple, even the original Samsung chargers might be tough to identify. Always remember, after connecting to the original OnePlus adapter, your phone battery symbol will be accompanied by a flash symbol rather than a standard charging icon. Google provides fast chargers with its smartphones and the charging speed is slow only if the charger unit is fake.Xiaomi Mi:Xiaomi’s Mi devices are excessively popular but there are several fake Mi chargers available out there.(Source)end-ofTags: fake charger, smartphone charger, original charger, samsung charger, oneplus charger. For instance, an old man and daughter were recently killed due to their continuously charging smartphone getting exploded. However, you could be fooled with a similar-looking fake one from the speaker cable Suppliers retailers.

In this case, the length of the cable acts as the identifier since the original cable measures more than 120cms along with a not-too-large adapter module. Reports have been emerging about smartphones getting blasted during charging, killing their owners.OnePlus:OnePlus is known to offer one of the fastest charging technologies with its Dash Charger.Google Pixel:The only way to check the originality of a Pixel smartphone charger is by the charging speed.


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In 2014, animation, visual effects, gaming and comics (AVGC) audio cable types Suppliers sector was estimated to be around Rs 4,490 crore with a projected growth of 13 per cent.At present, there are 847 channels, 243 FM radio stations along with 190 community radio stations. Domestic theatricals continued to be the main source of revenue for the industry, contributing Rs 9,350 crore.Besides, overseas theatricals also witnessed 3. HITS (headend in the sky) technology will play a key role in achieving the goal of 100 per cent digital distribution in India,” it added.India continues to be the world’s biggest producer of films, with more than 1,000 films each year in all languages and is expected to grow Rs 18,630 crore in the next two years.“The size of the Indian film industry was Rs 12,640 crore in 2014.

The Economic Survey has revealed that digitisation of cable television operations in the country has led to an increase in the tax collection with both the Centre and states becoming beneficiaries of The Economic Survey has revealed that digitisation of cable television operations in the country has led to an increase in the tax collection with both the Centre and states becoming beneficiaries of transparency in subscriber base brought in by the measure.“As per the preliminary data, it is observed that Central and state governments have gained significantly as transparency in the subscriber base through digitisation has led to increase in the tax collection,” said the Economic Survey.According to the survey, the media and entertainment industry is expected to reach Rs 1,96,400 crore by 2019.“DTH in India is also growing at a rate of about one million per year. 


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This has forced a change in Indian consumer behaviour, as it leaves no room for bargaining.Around 42 per cent of respondents claimed they buy vegetables and other consumables without asking for prices, which is a drastic shift from a universal value-conscious, penny pinching Indian mentality, it added.The web-based survey, conducted between March 30 and April 22, had 3,737 respondents in cities including Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Pune and Ahmedabad. While 29 per cent have moved to reading newspapers online, only 4 per cent would unsubscribe from the hard copy.

The lockdown meant that vegetable and grocery shops had to shut completely or switch to online platforms to keep their businesses going.As per the survey, newspapers are poised for a strong return, with 74 per cent of the respondents saying they missed their daily newspaper.PTI Published: May 10, 2020, 2:46 pm IST Updated: May 10, 2020, 2:46 pm IST This has also led to a sharp increase in adoption of digital technology by older peopleVegetable shops have switched to Swiggy and Zomato, and now with Amazon and Jio trying to rope in more kirana stores into going online, Indians will have no bargaining chip left.The study found that TV viewership grew from strength to strength during lockdown, shining over OTT platforms."Looks like the newspaper is a habit like coffee that has grown on the Indian palette, making it difficult to part with," it said."


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Apple’s sales from its services business, which also includes sales from iCloud, the App Store and other businesses, reached USD 11.REUTERS Published: May 14, 2019, 12:06 pm IST Updated: May 14, 2019, 12:06 pm IST The redesigned Apple TV app aims to solve some of the headaches that have emerged in the streaming media era.Initially, the app will be available on Apple devices plus 2019 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd smart TVs and some 2018 models.

Apple Inc on Monday rolled out a new television-watching app for its devices and some Internet-connected TVs, an effort to gain more revenue from reselling other companies’ programming and, later this year, its own original shows.32 billion, according to FactSet data. The app will make recommendations based on a mix of curation by human editors and a viewer’s watching habits.Available in more than 100 markets, Apple’s new app pulls many of those services together to show viewers where they can watch live or on-demand movies, TV shows, news and sports via a single search, or through personalized recommendations.


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Parsa Venkateshwar Rao JrThe author is a Delhi-based commentator and analystPublished: Nov 13, 2017, 12:19 am IST Updated: Nov 13, 2017, 12:19 am IST The GST is an empty political slogan promising the world in your palm.The list of articles for which GST rates has been reduced from 28 per cent to 18 per cent includes “wire, cables, insulated conductors, electrical insulators… trunk, suitcase, vanity cases… detergents, washing and cleaning preparations”, and the reduction in rate from 18 per cent to 12 per cent has in its security alarm cable with ground wire list the following items: condensed milk; refined sugar and sugar cubes; pasta; curry paste, mayonnaise and salad dressings, mixed condiments and mixed seasoning. The GST rates will be changed much too often, to meet economic rationality as well as political expediency, and finance ministers will continue to pretend that they are doing it all for very good reasons.Mr Jaitley’s tax philosophy as announced in 2014 was low taxes and high tax revenues.

The list of rate reduction from 18 per cent to 5 per cent has puffed rice chikki, peanut chikki, revdi, tilrevdi, along with flour of potatoes put up in unit container bearing a brand name. But what we seem to be witnessing is haphazard rate slabs that bewilder and entertain the reader of the GST Council’s recommendations — these need to be passed by Parliament and the state legislatures to become law — while it does not seem to promise either stability nor rationality to the taxpayer. The GST rates will be changed much too often, to meet economic rationality as well as political expediency, and finance ministers will continue to pretend that they are doing it all for very good reasons.


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ZTE released its E2E VR live solution, including 4 key components: VR content capture, elastic networks, a premium video platform and VR software development kits(SDK)/set-top box(STB). ZTE uses its self-developed chip in its NB-IoT smart parking system and makes its own innovative APP designs. and cloud-native, to achieve the Re-architecture of the future network. It is estimated that ZTE’s 5G Flexhaul solution can reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) by 30 percent compared to traditional solutions., which will obviously improve the performance of 4G networks, satisfy the explosive requirements of mobile services.I. The application scenarios are extensive and include live entertainment, VR education, VR medication and VR shopping, bringing a revolutionary video experience to users.

As network data traffic is rapidly growing in these years, network requirement for new service and large capacity has greatly increased.With the advent of the M-ICT era of mobile interconnection, ZTE  is committed to providing integrated end-to-end innovations and  building an open business model, to help India Telecom Partners realize digital transformation, enhance network value, and become the most trusted partners.


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Tripathi of Jansath tehsil and circle officer J. He said the business advisory committee of the House would fix a date during this Budget Session to discuss the matter. The committee has also recommended action against the officials, whose sting was telecast as they have violated the Government Service Act. throttle cable for lawn mower factory Mr Nigam, while tabling the 350-page report in the Assembly, said that the news channel did not cooperate with the committee and did not give a original copy of the sting, even after several reminders. The seven-member committee, headed by SP MLA Satish Kumar Nigam, tabled the final report of the probe on the sting operation on Tuesday.R. Speaker Mata Prasad Pandey announced that a special discussion of members would be held very soon to discuss the recommendations of the probe committee.

Joshi on August 27-28, 2013, during a video recording had said that political pressure was put on them to change the FIR so that the prime accused gets a clean chit. The sting operation had alleged that Mr Khan directed the police during Muzaffarnagar riots to release accused of a particular community.


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She was taken to a hospital, where she was declared brought dead. Following this the accused, under the pretext of pleading with her not to complain, entered her workstation and allegedly strangulated her with a computer cable. Rasila asked Saikiya not to look at her and said otherwise she would complain to his superiors and he would lose his job.Though the motive behind the murder is yet to become clear, according to primary investigations, Bhaben Bharali Saikiya, the 27-year-old accused, was ogling at Rasila Raju OP, the deceased, when she was working on Sunday.30 pm, the guard informed Abhijit that they had got access to the workstation and had found Rasila lying there in a pool of blood. Accordingly, we tried to reach Saikiya, who had been on duty. The guard told Abhijit he would inform his superior.”

Mr Shinde added that during interrogation, the accused said Rasila had warned him not to look at her and that otherwise she would complain and he would lose his job.30 pm Sunday, Rasila’s Bangalore colleagues informed Abhijit that Rasila was not responding to them on their computer software application and not answering her phone either. Saikiya hails from Assam and stays in Hinjewadi Phase III. The accused was about to flee to Assam from CST, sources said. The court has granted five days police custody of the accused. The police has booked Saikiya under section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code. 


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