
In 2014, animation, visual effects, gaming and comics (AVGC) audio cable types Suppliers sector was estimated to be around Rs 4,490 crore with a projected growth of 13 per cent.At present, there are 847 channels, 243 FM radio stations along with 190 community radio stations. Domestic theatricals continued to be the main source of revenue for the industry, contributing Rs 9,350 crore.Besides, overseas theatricals also witnessed 3. HITS (headend in the sky) technology will play a key role in achieving the goal of 100 per cent digital distribution in India,” it added.India continues to be the world’s biggest producer of films, with more than 1,000 films each year in all languages and is expected to grow Rs 18,630 crore in the next two years.“The size of the Indian film industry was Rs 12,640 crore in 2014.

The Economic Survey has revealed that digitisation of cable television operations in the country has led to an increase in the tax collection with both the Centre and states becoming beneficiaries of The Economic Survey has revealed that digitisation of cable television operations in the country has led to an increase in the tax collection with both the Centre and states becoming beneficiaries of transparency in subscriber base brought in by the measure.“As per the preliminary data, it is observed that Central and state governments have gained significantly as transparency in the subscriber base through digitisation has led to increase in the tax collection,” said the Economic Survey.According to the survey, the media and entertainment industry is expected to reach Rs 1,96,400 crore by 2019.“DTH in India is also growing at a rate of about one million per year. 

Besides, India has also been experiencing higher volume of content consumption due to increasing per capita consumption, media penetration and use of 3G devices.7 per cent to become Rs 1,02,600 crore in 2014. India is the world’s second-largest television market after China, with 168 million TV households, implying a TV penetration of 61 per cent. During 2015-16 (April-December), the government accorded permission for 25 foreign productions to shoot films in India.

Citing the Ficci-KPMG report, the survey said the sector was at Rs 91,800 crore and grew by 11. “Digitisation, thus achieved, would usher a new era in broadcasting as it would enhance the viewing experience of the users and upgrade the service,” it added.The government has embarked on an ambitious exercise to digitise cable network in four phases and complete switch off of analogue TV services by December 31, 2016. The industry is projected to be worth Rs 18,630 crore by 2018,” it added.The government is also upgrading and modernising public broadcaster Prasar Bharati. India’s broadcasting distribution network comprises 6,000 multi-system operators (MSO) and seven direct to home (DTH) operators.5 per cent increase from Rs 830 crore in 2013 to Rs 860 crore in 2014

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