She was taken to a hospital, where she was declared brought dead. Following this the accused, under the pretext of pleading with her not to complain, entered her workstation and allegedly strangulated her with a computer cable. Rasila asked Saikiya not to look at her and said otherwise she would complain to his superiors and he would lose his job.Though the motive behind the murder is yet to become clear, according to primary investigations, Bhaben Bharali Saikiya, the 27-year-old accused, was ogling at Rasila Raju OP, the deceased, when she was working on Sunday.30 pm, the guard informed Abhijit that they had got access to the workstation and had found Rasila lying there in a pool of blood. Accordingly, we tried to reach Saikiya, who had been on duty. The guard told Abhijit he would inform his superior.”
Mr Shinde added that during interrogation, the accused said Rasila had warned him not to look at her and that otherwise she would complain and he would lose his job.30 pm Sunday, Rasila’s Bangalore colleagues informed Abhijit that Rasila was not responding to them on their computer software application and not answering her phone either. Saikiya hails from Assam and stays in Hinjewadi Phase III. The accused was about to flee to Assam from CST, sources said. The court has granted five days police custody of the accused. The police has booked Saikiya under section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code.
Then the accused, under the pretext of pleading with her, managed to enter the workstation by following Rasila as she entered it using her access card. The project required employees to be present 24/7.
The murder took place in Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Phase II in Hinjewadi, Pune. Mr Shinde added, “When we checked CCTV footage, there was only one security guard who was on duty on the floor.Meanwhile, the police nabbed Saikiya at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai in the wee hours of Monday.”end-ofTags: infosys, murder, security guardLocation: India, Maharashtra, Mumbai (Bombay). | VARSHA TORGALKAR Published: Jan 31, 2017, 1:12 am IST Updated: Jan 31, 2017, 6:41 am IST The murder took place in Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Phase II in Hinjewadi, Pune.THE ASIAN AGE. Her face had signs of bruises. Then Abhijit called Rasila but she did not answer his calls too. We nabbed him at 5 am on Monday at CST. The accused remained at the floor till his shift ended around 6-7 pm and later left the campus.”At 7.
Rasila Raju OP and Bhaben Bharali SaikiyaPune: A security guard has been arrested in connection with the alleged brutal murder of a 24-year-old software professional at her workstation in her office of Infosys Software Technology Limited in Pune on Sunday. He then strangulated her with a yellow computer LAN cable and assaulted her with his shoes.He added, “At 5. The murder happened between 5 and 6 pm. A security guard informed Abhijit on landline that he had no access to the workstation where Rasila was working.Rasila hails from Mulgoan, Ozompoil, Paimbra in Kozikode district of Kerala and was living as a private paying guest in Hinjewadi Phase I.Ganesh Shinde, deputy commissioner of police, Pune, said, “According to the FIR filed by Abhijit Kothari, team lead of the project on which Rasila was working, Rasila along with eight members from Pune and seven from Bangalore was working on the fire alarm cable project